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My best friend grows the best tomatoes, she goes and get’s fancy seeds in the mail and her tomatoes are delicious! How to grow tomato plants from seed, a quick easy to understand simple no bs explanation to help you grow tomatoes at home! The amazing thing you can do that you probably wouldn’t think of is you can take the seeds from any old tomato you want and dry them on a paper towel or rag and save them in till about February.

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How to grow tomatoes from seed Tomato Seeds

Plant them in doors I have a grow light, which I have basil and lettuce growing in, and I keep the plants next to it, but any old sunny window will do.

grow light

This grow set is amazing and basically anything from Aero garden is amazing. They have an updated version of my garden in the link below.

They also carry seeds and plant food, I got this as a Christmas gift and it made my year!

How to grow tomatoes from seed and when the plants sprout it is pretty darn cool!

Eventually they will sprout, I water them when the soil is almost dry at this stage you want to keep the soil moist. Also, plants like water that has been sitting out for at least 12 hours. This prevents the water from being too hot or too cold. Sometimes, my sprouts get kind of limp what is happening is the root system is weak they need to be touched at least 3 times a day like wind. You can gently run your hand over them and this will keep the root system pretty strong.

Tomato plants as they sprout

Once the plants have reached a good size you can plant them out side usually after any potential for frost is gone. The best way to do this is to slowly introduce the plants to the outdoors usually over the span of a weeks time a little at a time starting with an hour then maybe two hours the next day, three hours and so on. If you do not do this the plants will die because they aren’t yet accustom to the outside.

Larger Tomato Plant

When you plant them out side they require watering in the morning or evening on hot sunny days. Another tip when you plant the plants outside, crumble up some clean egg shells and put them in the dirt under the root system that way the plants slowly get calcium over time helping the plants get the nutrients they need and that is how to grow tomatoes from seed!

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