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Cystic acne is something I have struggled with for years and years. Cystic acne is also called also nodulocystic acne which is a severe form of acne. I have almost never had clear skin. I went to dermatologists and took Accutane in my 20’s, which is a strong acne drug with a ton of side effects. It did help but at what cost, as it is a pretty gnarly drug. I have acne scars which with cystic acne there isn’t anything you can do to prevent the scar so I am told. Which makes me feel better but the struggle is real. One of my dear friends invited me on a trip to Las Vegas and I saw an amazing esthetician who changed my life and my acne. She taught me that having clear beautiful skin doesn’t need to cost a million dollars in beauty products.

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Here are the steps to clear skin.

I use Cetaphil Normal to oily skin, which is great for combination skin. I wash my face once in the morning and once at night. To dry my face I use two cotton rounds.

To dry my face I use two cotton rounds.

The next step in my routine morning and night is I apply Gly Med Plus living cell clarifier rubbing it in until it is not wet anymore, which unfortunately is not available on Amazon. I always buy it at lovelyskin.com in the link below.


This product helps reduce redness and is great for melasma. It is a bit expensive but I usually only buy about two bottles a year.

Stop cystic acne in it’s tracks!

The best thing ever for aging skin is moisturizer! As we age we loose moisture in the skin. I love vitamin E oil and rosehip oil.

When I don’t have much going on I lather my face in oil. Also, ice works really well for my skins appearance sometimes at night before I go to bed I will rub an ice cube on my face. If you have a pimple it can reduce the swelling.

I also use a lotion at night which has a good active ingredient niacinamide

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” This quote, by Khalil Gibran

I have a deep wrinkle on my forehead and I use ROC deep wrinkle cream and I don’t break out with my sensitive skin. When I use it, it helps the appearance but when I don’t I notice it a lot.

For foundation I only use Clinique’s redness reducing make up.

This skin care routine has changed my life and I only hope that someone else out there struggling will be able to benefit from this routine as much as I have.