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Sleep is probably by far the most important good health habit one can implement. I hope my tips to a better night’s sleep help you get a much deeper night’s rest as sleep is a vital health habit. Not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to one’s success in life. A bedroom should be a sanctuary, and creating a space that is free of stress and that is very calming is key to a good night’s sleep. Here are my favorite tips for a better night’s sleep.

Typically, I am guilty of staying up late watching TV, but over the past few months I’ve tried to focus on things that help reduce stress and anxiety levels and promote my well-being. 

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If sleeping well is something you’ve found yourself struggling with recently, here are a few ideas you might like to try, all of which I have personally found helpful.

Make your bedroom a sanctuary

When I first started really looking at my bedroom I noticed I had a lot of very unnecessary things in my space, stuff just collects on various surfaces. With an attention to detail I have taken simple steps to make sure the clutter is gone and stays gone. I have done this by making decluttering a part of my weekly routine. I generally take about 30 minutes a week to make sure my nightstands and the top of my dresser are free of clutter. You can break this up into smaller sessions 5 minutes a day to glance around.

Creating an environment that promotes sleep is important. I have paintings up that help to put me in a calming mood. We painted our bedroom with an accent wall which helps to reduce stress. We choose a calming blue, with soft lighting and an inviting comforter. I love down blankets and pillows, to create a comforting night’s rest.

lion painting

Another tip to help keep the mess at bay is to use trays, bowls, and baskets to contain the clutter in your bedroom. Furniture with storage is also a key piece to making sure that things stay clutter free. If you don’t have a bed with storage underneath they now make very stylish containers to keep things neatly under the bed. 

Unwind with a relaxing soak or bath

Usually after a stressful day we love to unwind in our Intex, inflatable hot tub. It has been the best purchase we have made. We both love the way it relaxes our body. My honey says all the time that he never knew what a large body of hot water could do. He works hard in a boat yard and it soothes away his aches and pains. If a hot tub isn’t a right fit for your living space or the cost is an issue, try taking a bath at the end of the day to unwind. I always add Epsom Salts to my baths or I make my own bath balms. I choose essential oils that create a calming effect. 

Practice yoga or mindfulness meditation

I don’t understand why or how a soak literally washes away the stresses of the day, but it does! If a bath or soak isn’t your thing, trying yoga can help relax the body just as much. The fact is that everyone is new to yoga at some point in their lives, and a little gentle yoga is an excellent way to introduce your body to an amazing practice. Yoga helps you to become aware of your breath, alignment and hidden tension in the body. Sometimes you may not even notice how tense you were until after you have done some relaxing yoga. Yoga can have the same effect on the body that a soak in warm water can have.

Banish tech from the bedroom. 

Studies have shown that electronics do not promote a good night’s sleep.  If your phone is constantly going off in the middle of the night it keeps you from getting the deep sleep. We need to heal our bodies and make ourselves feel refreshed. Try leaving your phone in another room, turn it off at night, or put it in a drawer. This prevents you from looking at it right before you go to bed. If you need something to occupy the time before you fall asleep, try reading a book to help calm your mind.  


When I have nights when my brain just won’t stop thinking, when I am feeling anxious and extra stressed. I am tossing and turning all night, and before I realize that almost half the night has gone! I take melatonin! Melatonin is a naturally occurring element in our bodies system, and while I don’t make it an everyday habit. Melatonin does help tremendously to fall asleep fast.  In the link below is my favorite brand of melatonin.

Those are my tips to a better night’s sleep, I hope they help you as much as they help me 🙂